Has anyone taken the online final exam as of yet?
yes there are 50 questions
How long do they give you to complete the exam? Thanks!!
If you're referring to the course final exam, there is no time limit. The 2-20 state exam is timed. You have 3 hours to answer 175 questions.
Hi I took the exam right after I finished the last unit. I ran through all my previous practice tests and 15 minutes later I took the test and got 85. Not the 100 I'd wanted but passing enough and I'm working now. You've maintained a lot of the info from the on-line course. If you have gone through the course w/o much confusion you should be able to get a 70 on the exam or better. I took the course in 5 weeks and worked hard in a short amount of time so all the info stuck between my ears making study a waste of time. If you don't have the confidence, study, if you're confident take it and get out there working!!!