Help for a beginner

Help for a beginner

by Magalie Octave -
Number of replies: 2

Good morning,

I am a new student to this class, still waiting for my manual to come. I would appreciate some inputs regarding the best way to study this class. Units 1 and 2 were pretty obvious, but now that  I'm on Unit 3 it's very confusing, some of the answers come wrong even with the same spelling and that frustrates me, and they don't provide explanation and the correct answer when I get it wrong.  For example, worker's compensation was wrong in unit 2, I could not figure out why. rented was wrong in unit 3 with the same spelling. $50,000 was wrong in Unit 3, part 7.  Any suggestion?

Thank you!

In reply to Magalie Octave

Re: Help for a beginner

by Jan Bradburn- -

Hi Magalie, 

We have noticed that the system responds this way sometimes on lesson questions.  OLT uses Moodle technology.  It is used by many colleges and lessons and exams seem to run smoothly.  The issues are when you add questions to the lessons.  Moodle doesn’t always adapt well to fill-in-blank questions.  For this reason, these questions are “practice-only” and they don’t count toward your grade.  The questions emphasize important information on each page.  If the system doesn’t recognize the exact answer, the answer is not marked as incorrect, but the student is asked to check their answer against the correct answer.   If your answer is correct, you should continue through the course. The questions that count toward your grade are multiple-choice and there is not an issue with exam questions.

As you work unit three and the remaining units, please email me directly at with questions.  I'm happy to help with any areas that are harder to understand.



In reply to Jan Bradburn-

Re: Help for a beginner

by Magalie Octave -

Mrs. Bradburn:

Thank you so much for replying and tank you also for the clarification and your offer to help.

