Topic outline

  • Welcome

    As a benefit, all Insurance students now have permanent access to this Social Area.  Use the Forums to get help from your fellow students, to share your opinions, and to maintain contact and network with others who use OLT courses.

    Can anyone tell me why the social area/break room states 0%.. -- It may show 0% complete because it isn't something you necessarily complete - it is there as a support and benefit to our students past present and future.

    As always, if you have any questions,you can also contact your instructor about content or the OLT office about course programming, access, etc.

    If you are receiving emails from a forum (subscribed to a forum) and wish to discontinue the emails please follow these easy steps"

    1. Enter the forum to be unsubscribed.
    2. Once you are in a forum, you can see the list of topics down the center of the page and on the left under Settings you will see Forum Settings.
    3. If you (the student) are not subscribed you will see: 
      •     Optional subscription (or Auto subscription)
      •     Subscribe to this forum.
    4. If you are subscribed to the forum you will see:
      •     Optional subscription
      •     Unsubscribe from this forum.
    5. You will need to click on Unsubscribe from this forum.
    6. If you have more than one Username, you may need to repeat this for each username that has been enrolled in an Insurance course.
  • Student Message Boards/Forums

    This section provides the Social and Student Support forums. Feel free to check out as many of them as you like.  If you post in a forum you will be given the option of having that forum's posts emailed to you.

    Note that questions or comments about specific courses should be posted to the course or subject area related to your question (Property and Casualty, Health and Life, etc.), if you want the appropriate people to see it and respond.