Chapter 1

Chapter 1

by Bennett Tocci -
Number of replies: 2

I'm reviewing the entire course before taking the final and I am emailing Jan Bradburn every issue that I come across this time.  In chapter 1 I came across a question with no question.  Only answers were listed.  Has anyone else come across this?  Even though I can easily get this correct I though OLT should know.



In reply to Bennett Tocci

Re: Chapter 1

by Sandra King -

Hi Bennett, I see that you are in the Property and Casualty (2.20) Pre-licensing course.  I am going to move this post to that forum so that the people in your course are more likely to see this post and respond.

Sandra King.

Tech Support.

In reply to Bennett Tocci

Errors in the materials

by Susan Nelson -

I have found extensive gramatical errors and technical errors in the materials - from the very first quiz question. I like you have forwarded to OLT to correct. ......the fill in the blank format is also horrible - I assume that won't be on the actual State Exam - so not too worried.