Can somebody help me out with this question?

Can somebody help me out with this question?

by Michael Crowley -
Number of replies: 6

My question is why does this pay more than the maximum of 10,000?


Your answer : 10000

The correct answer:


The Question:

Pete has a Personal Auto Policy with basic PIP. Pete driving his car takes his son, Joe, and his son’s friend, Jim, on a trip to Texas. Pete is involved in an auto accident. Pete suffers $8,000 in injuries, Joe suffers $5,000 in injuries, and Jim suffers $6,000 in injuries. How much will Pete's PIP pay for all injuries?

In reply to Michael Crowley

Re: Can somebody help me out with this question?

by Jan Bradburn- -
Hi Michael, PIP pays a maximum of $10,000 PER PERSON/per occurrence. In this question: Pete - $8000 X 80% = $6400 Joe - $5000 X 80% = $4000 Total = $10,400 Jan
In reply to Jan Bradburn-

Re: Can somebody help me out with this question?

by Stephen Charles Schofield -

If three individuals are involved in the accident, why aren't all 3 covered?

You calculated the coverage for Pete and Joe and added it together to get the answer (6.4k + 4k = 10.4k)

But why didn't we take into account the cost of Jim's injuries? 6,000 x 80% = $4,800.

So wouldn't the total cost be 6,4000 + 4,000 + 4,800, to = $15,200 in coverage?

Can someone help clear this up? Thank you.

In reply to Stephen Charles Schofield

Re: Can somebody help me out with this question?

by Stephen Charles Schofield -

Ah, nevermind. I didn't read the question properly. I'll clarify for any of those who may still be unsure.

Jim is excluded under Pete's PIP because he is not a family member and/or living with Pete. Therefore, he is not covered under Pete's PIP.

In reply to Stephen Charles Schofield

Re: Can somebody help me out with this question?

by Jan Bradburn- -
Stephen, I like how you work through the questions and come up with the correct answers. You'll do well on the state exam. Jan