Okay, for those that have sat for the exam.....do I need to know the symbols by number or just the meaning of them, ie Any Owned Auto covers....
I'm not sure of the answer to your question. I would also like to hear from students who recently sat for the exam.
In the past I have seen some exam questions that refer to the BAP symbols by number, but I'm also hearing that the exam is changing and the questions are now testing concepts. There is not as much focus on repeating facts vs. understanding how to use the information.
They weren't on the exam when I took it. You just need to understand the meaning of coverage for each, not the actual symbols.
Thank you! I will let you know, I test in 2 hours!!!
Ahhhh, I passed!!!! And I was NOT asked about symbols by number. And Jan you were right, the test was more about concepts...I had not math/formulas questions either.
Congratulations Cynthia!!!
Thanks for passing on the test info. and for verifying what other students have been saying.
Good luck with your career in insurance.