Sinkhole coverage is NOT manadatory coverage in Florida

Re: Sinkhole coverage is NOT manadatory coverage in Florida

by Jan Bradburn- -
Number of replies: 0


I agree that the word sinkhole should no longer be used in this course and I will make sure it removed for the areas you have pointed out.  However, most students to this course are brand new to insurance and they, along with almost all insured, do not know the difference between sinkhole and catastrophic ground cover collapse.  Furthermore, the state has never really pointed this out in their study materials - other than to change the verbiage. In the scheme of passing the state exam, this is a really minor detail to correct, and in the scheme of selling property insurance in Florida - well enough said.  Who is selling propery insurance in Florida, with or without sinkhole or catastrophic ground cover collapse???

Your point is correct and well-taken, but, WOW-unlike sinkhole coverage is it not catastrophic!


