Don't sweat this exam...

Don't sweat this exam...

by Scott Wooten -
Number of replies: 13

There are maybe five questions that, I think, are not word-for-word from the quizzes. A couple of the formula (PIP) questions use different $$ amounts but that's about it. Study the unit quizzes and you'll smoke through the exam in an hour or less. Good luck!

In reply to Scott Wooten

Re: Don't sweat this exam...

by Grisel Padron -

Scott, thanks for your encouragement! I did well in the quizzes but realized I was just memorizing answers so I've been on a mission to understand the concepts since all other tests,including the state, will revolve around that. I want to make sure I get at least an 85 to 90 on my quizzes and exams to make sure I pass the state exam. I'm hoping to take the final for this course some time next week. I take the final for my crash course this coming Sunday and this crash course is much stricter and seems to adhere more to the Andy Beverly flash cards and the state manual so if I do well there, I'll be confident for the course final and state exam. Thanks again!

In reply to Scott Wooten

Re: Don't sweat this exam...

by Jeffery Hamer -

I flew through the units/lessons and never re-read or looked back at the quizzes... and I passed.  Now for the State Exam!

In reply to Jeffery Hamer

Re: Don't sweat this exam...

by Grisel Padron -


Congrats on the exam and your photographic memory! How different we all are. I, on the other hand, had to take all quizzes multiple times and although I had high scores on most of the quizzes, I only scored a 74 on the final last night :-(. I'm just glad to be done and have scheduled the state exam for 12/5. Will cram the state manual and the Hilda Tucker workbook between now and then and hope to do better. If I hadn't changed my initial answer on five questions, I would have gotten an 84 insread!!! Argh!

In reply to Grisel Padron

Re: Don't sweat this exam...

by Jan Bradburn- -



I know how hard you are studying and it will pay off. Remember when you are testing that usually your first impulse is right and don't second guess yourself.


In reply to Jan Bradburn-

Re: Don't sweat this exam...

by Grisel Padron -

Thank you, Jan. I just posted a reply regarding a question where the correct answer which was Personal & Advertising Injury, was actually divided into two answers so the correct answer was not available.

Please check that I did not get penalized, if I got it wrong, since it was a test error. Your help is great appreciated always!

In reply to Grisel Padron

Re: Don't sweat this exam...

by Jeffery Hamer -

I have been in the industry for a number of years and know the basics...  I just have an oppertunity to jump on Jan 1st... and need the "220."  I find myself overthinking many of the questions!  I just read, click and move along!!!

In reply to Grisel Padron

Re: Don't sweat this exam...

by Rollin Ryan -

My technique for test

On a blank piece of paper write:

1. Yes for Sure:

2. No Way!

3. I Think So...

As you take any test.... take test question 1.  Decide which category you know your answer.

Say you know for sure... your right. Put a number 1 next to "Yes for Sure", and a comma.

test question 2.... Your not sure.. but you "think" you know.  Put a number 2 next to "I Think So".... go to question 3.

Question number 3.... Heck no.. you don't have a clue.  Put the number 3 next to "No Way!"

Once you have completed the entire test with all answers being written in one of the three possible responses... then and only then do you review.

Review only the "No Way!" because your chance of changing or rereading to where you understand what is being asked is much better now.... so you can change the answer and hopefully put the answer under "I Think So"

Your % of actually being correct on all the "Yes For Sure" is 80%

so if you have 60 questions marked "Yes For Sure"... you can count on 48 being correct.

If you have 30 questions marked "I Think So".... you have a 60% chance of them being right... you can count on 18 of them being correct....

Now out of 100 total questions... you should have 10 questions in the "No Way! category....

So, think about this... if there are 4 possible answers for each question... you actually have a 25% chance of guessing the right answer...right?


Now add 48 + 18 = 66

If you need 70... to pass.. better hope to pick up a cpl more right from wrong

In reply to Scott Wooten

estate exam

by Roberto Sosa -

Hi  please need to know ..after submital of the on line final exam ,how  i register for the estate exam ? must wait for the review firsrt / please need an answer, Thank you


In reply to Scott Wooten

Re: Don't sweat this exam...

by Kristy Adams -

Do you have to schedule the final or just login and take it?  How long before you get pass/fail notice?


In reply to Kristy Adams

Re: Don't sweat this exam...

by Jan Bradburn- -
Hi Kristy,

You may take the final exam at any time. You will receive a pass/fail response immediately after you complete the test.
