Unit 3 part 4, "all insurers"

Unit 3 part 4, "all insurers"

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 3

What on earth does this mean? That if the ins co you rperesent wants to cancel an sob, of course, legally because they are a loser of some sort, and you get a notice from the claimant or claimants attorney:

Q. Do you have to send to the claimant all the insurance cmpanies in FL that would take their sorry behind? and then, if they ask for information you have to notify the insurance companies that this loser, cancelled former policy  holder wants to hook up with them?  Is this what that means???

Anyone? Am I reading this right?

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Unit 3 part 4, "all insurers"

by Jan Bradburn- -


I don't believe you're reading this correctly, because I cannot find this language anywhere in the course.

What the course does say is that if an insured cancels their auto policy within the first 60 days it is reported to state so they can follow-up to see if the owner of the vehicle purchased coverage elsewhere or if they are uninsured.   The FLDFS does not consider previously insured as "losers" and they do not notify insurance companies with the names of these people.

In the future, please refrain from inappropriate language in the student forum as some students may find this offensive.



In reply to Jan Bradburn-

Unit 4

by Stephanie Tirado -
I've written a few statements and yet have gotten a reply from a professor a few things are confusing me as the rules in the real world are different ... Example : Q- which of the following statements about homeowners coverage A is false ? A. Coverage A is included for a limited base amount in the ho6 form B. coverage a may not be extended to cover a DETACHED garage C. Coverage A May be endorsed to form 4 tenants coverage for betterment a and alterations only D. Coverage a covers the building & any attached structures including materials or supplies on premises . The correct answer was C . But I would of chosen B as well . Isn't coverage B "other structures" the coverage which covers all DETACHED structures such as garages, guest house, fence etc ..? Questions like this confuse me & might confuse the other students as well . If I can extend coverage a for detached structures then why even have coverage b ?
In reply to Stephanie Tirado

Re: Unit 4

by Jan Bradburn- -


I think you are misunderstanding the question.  "B" states that Coverage A may not be extended to cover a DETACHED garage.  This is a true statement.  Only Coverage B or an endorsement to exrend, covers detached structures.

In this question you are choosing the statement that is false which is "C".
