Which of the following are 'covered autos' as defined in the PAP?
A) none of the answers are correct
B) a vehicle owned by the named insured's employer and provided for the insured's unrestricted use
C) a 10-ton dump truck the named insured borrows from a neighbor because his covered pickup truck will not start
D) a Honda, 4-wheel, ATV not shown on the declarations page
It said (C) was the right answer. This is has me totally confused because the manual says "Eligible types are a private passenger auto and a pickup or van that has a Gross Vehicle Weight of less than 10,000 pounds" 10-tons is 20,000 pounds!
J.4 of the Definitions section says "your covered auto" is "Any auto or 'trailer' you do not own while used as a temporary substitute for any other vehicle described in this definition which is out of normal use..." Is that to be taken literally as "Any auto"? Wouldn't that then mean you could borrow a fire truck or a semi-truck because your car is broken down?