Unit 6 Lesson 1 - 6.2 Commercial Property Contract "Deductible"

Unit 6 Lesson 1 - 6.2 Commercial Property Contract "Deductible"

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In the online course in unit 6 lesson 1 at the 6.2c second question there is a true or false question stating:   "For hurricanes, a seperate minimum deductible of $500 or a maximum of 10% of the limit shown for coverage applies.  The insurer must offer the insured the option of having the deductible apply either on a per event or an annual basis.  Optional higher deductibles of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 or higher may be purchased."

I answered the question as false, because no where in the online course or in the manual does it state anything about: "For hurricanes, a minimum deductible of $500 or a maximum of 10% of the limit shown for coverage applies."  The course said True but if you look at page 94 of the manual it says nothing about the minimum of $500 or the 10%.  Is this a correction for the course and if it states that somewhere in the manual please indicate where.  Thank you, Cash