I will contact at your gmail address with the answers to these questions.
Thank you, I purchased the study manual hoping to shed some light on this topic. Just not clear to me. It may be just me, but their is not enough info as to how much coverage and endoresments. I have thought that it is basic coverage, so I answered it according, and it states that I am incorrect. Maybe I'm missing something.
Hi Jan,
I am in the same situation. I have the Adjuster study manuel and it still is not giving me a clear picture on how to answer. As James stated, it is as if there is not enough information. I am answering each one going by the info provided and nothing. I have even tried deducting 10% and 50% off the loss amount. Please help me understand what is missing so I can get the clear picture. Thanks.
I emailed you the answers in a separate email. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Can you please email it to my new email. For some reason the College did not update it in the OLT. Please send to mrdpdiaz@gmail.com
Thanks for the update Demis. I have re-sent the email. I look forward to hearing from you.