review of course

review of course

by James Kabel -
Number of replies: 1

I have taken all the units and quiz's and reviewing the course before taking the exam.  On the Coinsurance topic, the question is, "What if Dave's home would have been a total loss and the cost to rebuild was $200,000. Using the same scenerio....How much would the company pay on an unendorsed policy?  $160,000 policy limit...My question is, it states using the same scenerio.  Policy limit is $150,000 in this scenerio, so, why is this answer of $160,000????  Shoudn't it be the limit of policy $150,000.

In reply to James Kabel

Re: review of course

by Jan Bradburn- -



Thanks for pointing this out.  I will investigate and see if the difference is a result of a typo.  I'll re-post when I find out.
