Suggestions for improvements to courses

Suggestions for improvements to courses

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 3

Hi Sandra,

I just started the course a couple of days ago and have seen a few things that can be improved and will be very helful, at least to me.

1- There is no way to know how much is left to finish a lesson. For instace, Unit 2, Lesson 1 has 24 pages. I whish there was a page counter somewhere so I know I am in page 20/24. This would help me plan my time better.

2- For Unit 2 Lesson 1, I scored 22/23 of the lesson's questions. I'd love to see which one I failed. I clicked the "Review Lesson" link but it only takes me to the last question of the lesson.

3- The questions that require you to type the full word in the exact same format and context it apears in the paragraph above I don't find them helpful. They dont even provide a "Correct" or "Incorrect" result.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: What do you think?

by Sandra King -

Hi Risset,

I will look into providing a page counter or progress bar as suggested in 1. As for number 3. We stopped telling students whether they got it right or wrong, and only tell them what they said and what the correct answer is because so many students were becoming frustrated when they would leave out one letter or only answering one of two blanks and be counted completely wrong.

on number 2.  The page where you answered wrong is this one...

2.5a Insurance Contract Characteristics: Personal Contract:

Personal Contract:

Insurance is considered a personal contract between the insurer and the insured. The insurer underwrites the insured. That is to say, the insurer looks at the application of the insured and decides if, given the information on that family or individual, they will agree to insure them or their property. When underwriting automobile policies, the insurer will primarily look at the driving record of the insured, how the vehicle is used, and where the vehicle is garaged. If the vehicle were sold to another person, the insurer would review the same information on the new owner before deciding to issue a policy for the new owner. Likewise, the insurer reviews or underwrites the individual information on a person before deciding to insure a home or other property. The insurer looks at the maintenance and upkeep of the property along with the insured's financial condition prior to insuring the home. A policy, generally, cannot be transferred with the property (auto or home) if sold from one individual to another.

The following question is a review of the content of this page. Answer it and then click below to check your response.

Property and Liability insurance policies cover persons, not property or operations. 1.63% Checked this one.
A loss depends upon the economic loss suffered by the person. 0.54% Checked this one.
Insurance is considered a personal contract between the insurer and the insured. 61.79% Checked this one.
All of these answers
36.04% Checked this one.
You got it wrong,  Sorry!
• Property and Liability insurance policies cover persons, not property or operations.
• A loss depends upon the economic loss suffered by the person.
• Insurance is considered a personal contract between the insurer and the insured.
All of these answers is the correct response to the question:
How would you define a personal contract in property and liability Insurance?


I hope this explanation has helped. We do have the ability to pull up your complete answer history on any graded lesson or quiz, but it isn't common for us to do so.

In reply to Sandra King

Re: What do you think?

by Megan Cothron -
I just started this course a few days ago and have been extremely frustrated with it. I know there are "Jump" pages but that takes you to a certain unit. there is no way to go through page by page to re-look at the material. You have to click a "jump" page and then re-answer the questions to move through the material again. very time consuming when you have already answered the question and just want to re-read some of the material. Also, when I answer a question wrong, it gives no explanation as to why. it says "review previous material" It would be so much more helpful if it actually gave a reason as to why the answer is incorrect, and to possibly give the formula that should be used if necessary. If you can do anything to help, or have any suggestions for me, that would be great. Thank you.
In reply to Megan Cothron

Re: What do you think?

by Sandra King -

Hi Megan,

I am sorry that you are feeling frustrated by the course.  When you go back through a lesson a second time it is acceptable to type a single letter into any blanks, however please consider that typing the correct answer each time is good reinforcement for your learning.

I understand that you would prefer we tell you why answers are wrong, but the reality is that the "Why" isn't important.  What is important is "What" the correct answer is, that way you only reinforce good information.

I do agree that it would be helpful to repeat the formulas used to discover answers, and it may be that as we continue to work to improve this course we can start including the formula with the correct answers.

Good luck with your course, and remember to come to the forums and search or post a question if you have trouble understanding any concepts or applying any formulas.

Sandra King.