Benefits of owning an Agency

Benefits of owning an Agency

by Douglas Ragan -
Number of replies: 2

Can anyone out there with some experience please tell me any benefits to creating an agency versus simply working out of the house?

I'm looking mostly for any tax benefits and benefits regarding being an "Independent" agency.

Any help is appreciated.

In reply to Douglas Ragan

Re: Benefits of owning an Agency

by Kaylee Colvard -
i think it really comes down to how big to you want your business to be? (as corny as that may sound). creating a professional environment for customers to come into your '"office" can, at times, be difficult if you are working out of the house. I could recommend consulting with a CPA to go over all of the tax benefits for both scenarios. If you want to chat on becoming an agency owner, let me know!
In reply to Kaylee Colvard

Re: Benefits of owning an Agency

by Jair Duarte -
Hi Kaylee, I saw your post and wanted to see what would be my first step to pen my own agency, I am currently taking the 220 course but after that I am planning on opening my own business ... what would you recommend? and how do you get the insurance companies to let you ell their insurance? thanks in advanced. regards Jair