Current 440 taking 220 online

Current 440 taking 220 online

by David Simpson -
Number of replies: 2

Simple answer im sure but having a difficult time with  questions with actual figures and deductibles . An example would be auto accident payout with multiple people with damages or CGL questions with figures involves. Maybe just a math thing but always an issue. Tks for any feedback

In reply to David Simpson

Re: Current 440 taking 220 online

by Jan Bradburn- -

Hi David, 

I wouldn't be too concerned about math on the state exam.  It's my understanding that questions with multiple pay-outs are not part of the state exam.  You may have to be able to subtract, or know when to subtract deductibles. And you will definitely need to know "numbers", i.e. basic limits, days for cancellation, etc., but I don't think you have to worry about any serious math problems on the state exam. 

Are there any recent test-takers out there who want to weight-in?
