Blanket and Umbrella

Blanket and Umbrella

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 2

Please someone can tell me the difference between

Blanket and Umbrella Coverages.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Blanket and Umbrella

by Jan Bradburn- -


Blanket insurance is a single policy on an insured property that covers more than one type of property at the same location, the same kind of property at more than one location, or two or more kinds or property at two or more locations. Homeowner's insurance that covers personal possessions as well as the actual dwelling "blankets" all the homeowners' goods. Blanket insurance is also used in Crime coverage to cover the loss by any employee.

Umbrella insurance is extra liability insurance. It is designed to help protect you from major claims and lawsuits and as a result it helps protect your assets. It provides additional liability coverage above the limits of your homeowners and auto policies.
