Unit 3 Quiz - question # 20

Unit 3 Quiz - question # 20

by Patricia Vargas -
Number of replies: 5


Can anyone please clarify the following ?

The Question reads as follows:

Subject to a deductible, which of the following does "Other Than Collision" in the PAP cover?

a) Damage caused when the insured's horse eats the vinyl top and leather seats of a covered auto

b) Damage caused when the insured over-sprays while painting his lawn furniture, getting green paint on a covered white pickup truck

c) Damage caused when a thief crashes a cover auto into a tree

d) All of the answers are correct


My question is: in icon (c) doesn't crashing into a tree be covered by collision ? since collision is defined in the glossary on pg 264 as "A type of physical damage insurance that covers loss due to the insured object striking another object. Collision may also include upset of the insured object.




In reply to Patricia Vargas

Re: Unit 3 Quiz - question # 20

by Robin Davis -

Hi Patricia, 

It's because the thief (see p55- theft is "Other than Collision") did it. If the insured would have crashed into the tree, it would be covered under collision :)

In reply to Robin Davis

Re: Unit 3 Quiz - question # 20

by Deleted user -

Hi Robyn

I think your answer is satisfactory

I have a similar question

Auto falling in pit is no collision but collision by definition

Is it true?

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Unit 3 Quiz - question # 20

by Robin Davis -

Hi Aijaz,

I don't know about that one. You better ask Jan! :)


In reply to Robin Davis

Re: Unit 3 Quiz - question # 20

by Jan Bradburn- -

An vehicle falling into a pit would be considered collision. The vehicle would definitely collide with something when it fell. 

 Here is an easy way to remember collision vs. other than collision:

Collision - the vehicle is expected to be under the control of the driver (There is upset or impact with another object.)

Other than Collision - the vehicle is not expected to be under the control of the driver (theft, fire, earthquake, explosion, etc.)

I hope this helps.
