Did not pass it on the 1st try, or the second, but got it on the third. If you don't pass the 1st time, don't get discouraged. But DO take the next one as soon as possible. As someone said in an earlier post, the questions for the state exam are more difficult than the questions for the OLT final exam but are easier than the practice test at the end of the state manual. Make sure you have a good understanding of CGL as they seem to give a lot of questions on that, might just be the ones that I took. Also, make sure you have an understanding and can define, declarations, conditions and insuring agreement. FAJUA seems the show up on every exam I took. Also Fair Credit Report was on every exam I took. If you devote the time, you will pass. If you need anymore advice, feel free to reply. Good Luck! Dave
Thanks for your feedback on the state exam and congratulations on passing!
Students - Although each test is different, David provides valuable feedback because he has taken the exam several times recently.