Passed Exam

Passed Exam

by Richard Bryan -
Number of replies: 5
I passed the state exam on Thursday. Completed the online course rather quickly and did a 3-day crash course, via webinar through the Andy Beverly Course. Took the test 5 days after the crash course. Flash cards were a great help and the test was much more difficult than I expected. However, with most of the questions, you can easily eliminate 2 of the possible 4 answers if you know the concepts. My test did not have one question on coinsurance and was primarily focused on Homeowners, CGL and surprisingly, WC.. Each test is different as they say. Good luck to all!
In reply to Richard Bryan

Re: Passed Exam

by Deleted user -
Richard, How many questions were on the state exam, how much time were you given and how much did it cost? Thank you!
In reply to Deleted user

Re: Passed Exam

by Jan Bradburn- -

The number of test questions and allotted times are listed in the front of the state manual  on pages 2-19 along with a breakdown of test questions. The 2-20 test  has 165 questions and you are allowed 2.75 hours to complete. The cost of the exam is on the Pearson Vue website.
