Correct answers are not correct????

Correct answers are not correct????

by Crystal Middleton -
Number of replies: 6
I keep getting this issue... I answer correctly but the site says I'm not correct but then shows the correct answer as the same answer I gave. This is very frustrating! Anyone else have this occur & what can I do about it?
Attachment image.jpg
In reply to Crystal Middleton

Re: Correct answers are not correct????

by Alexander Jimenez -
Hi Crystal, The answer is correct. You write the answers and then "you compare your answer to the correct answer." In this example, your answers are correct: single, split or aggregate. I hope this helps! Alex
In reply to Alexander Jimenez

Re: Correct answers are not correct????

by Crystal Middleton -
Yes, I understand that. Correct me if I'm wrong but each time you get a correct answer it says, "great job!" & indicates that you are correct. Not tell you to compare your answer. Now I've tried this a couple different ways...
In reply to Crystal Middleton

Re: Correct answers are not correct????

by Sandra King -


Your answers are correct, and the site is not grading this question as right or wrong.

All fill in the blank questions are ungraded (you automatically get credit) because it is too easy for a student to mistype, or put in a comma or period that the teacher didn't use.

When you are asked to compare your answer, it is a way of reinforcing the correct information in your mind.  You re-read the answer and it helps to lock the information in your mind.

If you can suggest a better way for us to deal with these questions so that we are not confusing students, but they are still getting the education benefits of typing an answer and reading the complete sentence again to verify their answer is correct, we are always open to suggestions.  We want our courses to provide the best possible education for your benefit.

Sandra King.

In reply to Sandra King

Re: Correct answers are not correct????

by Crystal Middleton -
Oh!!! I see... That makes more sense. Thank you! :)
In reply to Crystal Middleton

Re: Correct answers are not correct????

by Sandra King -

Glad I could help.  We try to monitor the forums so that one of the teachers or educational technologists answers questions or expands an answer another has given (if needed) within 24 hours of you posting a question.  We want you to be able to move quickly and comfortably through or courses and we are always looking for better ways to phrase things, or do things so that they make more sense to you.

Sandra King.

In reply to Sandra King

Re: Correct answers are not correct????

by Elizabeth Sandoval -
I really appreciate it this so much as I too was confused about the answers being right or wrong.