Hourly Rate - Customer Service 440 License

Hourly Rate - Customer Service 440 License

by Jamesly Louis -
Number of replies: 3

Here is the scenario -

Lets say - Joshau has been working for an insurance company since 2011 until present -

He has a 440 license and has all the experience necessary to complete his customer service jobs-

What is the minimum paid and what is the maximum for joshua who has all these experience working at an agency with a 440 license ? 

Would it be more benefial ( financially ) for Jahsua to work for an agency or company ?


Thank You In advance

In reply to Jamesly Louis

Re: Hourly Rate - Customer Service 440 License

by Kaylee Colvard -

It is honestly going to vary from each individual office and company.  Each agency owner will incent their staff in different ways.  Has Joshua ever considered owning his own agency and working for himself?


Any help I can provide to you or Joshua, please feel free to let me know :)

Kaylee Colvard


In reply to Kaylee Colvard

Re: Hourly Rate - Customer Service 440 License

by Jamesly Louis -

Thank you so much  Kaylee for your response  -

Joshua's goal is eventually to work for an insurance company as a underwirtter or assistant underwritter  -

The insurance bussiness is his second carreer and also is payng all the bills including college tutuin - untill his first carreer can bring in some decent cash -

Right now , he is currently working for an insurance and they are paying him 11. 00 / h while he has his license and another person which do not have the 440 license 13. 00 - I do not thing that is fair - so he is comparing rate between agency and company

In reply to Jamesly Louis

Re: Hourly Rate - Customer Service 440 License

by Shannon Griffin -

Does the other employee have any license at all? The agency I left when my husband opened his own agency, the 4-40 CSR's were making 10 during training and up to 15/hr with time and effort and meeting production rates.