Looking for people currently employed as claims adjusters

Looking for people currently employed as claims adjusters

by Buddy E Carter -
Number of replies: 2

I want to talk with anyone who is curently employed as claims adjuster. Just want to see how well you like your job and how stressful you find it. Has it been a good career choice for you. Give me the pros and cons. I want to pick your brain a bit. please let me know. Thanks

In reply to Buddy E Carter

Re: Looking for people currently employed as claims adjusters

by Jessica Jenkins -

Just because you pass the exam and receive your license does not make you a qualified candidate for a claims adjuster position. You will need to do some research, find insurance compaines in your area and decide what it is you like to do. Worker's Comp, Property, Liability, Auto Etc.... every field is different. Most places won't take you on as an adjuster, you will have to start as a trainee or find a company that is willing to train you. There is way more to this career then you think.


In other words, determine what you are most interested in (insurance wise) and then go from there. I personally like Liability Insurance. Liability is a speciality and I find the most interest in that field. You can do a lot of research online see some practice claims etc....


15 years customer service is great, but depending on what type of work you will be doing will determine what kind of expierence you will need. Litigation and mediations are sometimes a must and you will often have to travel. You more than likely won't start off with any legal claims, you may get Medical only claims, or move on to something after that and then receive legal claims as time goes on and your knowledge and expierence progress.

Good Luck! :)

In reply to Jessica Jenkins

Re: Looking for people currently employed as claims adjusters

by Jessica Jenkins -


I forgot to mention this is just my opinion, you do not have to take my advice. :)