Requirements for Adjuster course vs. other courses...

Requirements for Adjuster course vs. other courses...

by Jan Bradburn- -
Number of replies: 4


The adjuster course is a designation course and it does not require a state exam. The course that Grisel is taking requires a state exam.  They are very different courses.

The state study manual is not required for your course and I believe it will only confuse you  because it contains a great deal more information than you need for the designation final exam. Grisel's course is 200 hours and your course is 40 hours so you can see the difference in the amount of course material.

If you have any questions or need clarification, please email me at .  In the meantime if you do well on the unit exams, you will be fine in your course.

Regards, Jan

In reply to Jan Bradburn-

Re: Final Exam & This Course

by Keith Azzarello -

Hi Jan, thanks for your input, but you are wrong, i am required to take a state exam in order for me to get my T31-20 Lic, i agree the course im taking is 40 hours, but it does not end here, i need to take this course to get my ACA certificate in order to be able to take the state exam... Keith

In reply to Keith Azzarello

Re: Final Exam & This Course

by Jan Bradburn- -

Thanks for clarifying Keith.  I thought you were applying for the 5-20 adjuster license.

In reply to Jan Bradburn-

Re: Requirements for Adjuster course vs. other courses...

by Alexis Arias -

I wud like to ask u some thing Mr Bradburn, how you can give this course in only 4 days from 10 hours and i have been studing for 3 weeks and im still in unit 4.

There is a lot of material to study, it is giving me a lot of trouble because there are to many things to learn and you get confused, and without classrooms is very difficult.

Cud you give me some tips to make it easier pls

In reply to Alexis Arias

Re: Requirements for Adjuster course vs. other courses...

by Buddy E Carter -
Maybe I can help you ...first of all are you reading the book as well?