i need help with coinsurance plzzzz

i need help with coinsurance plzzzz

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 1

i am getting ready for my state board and there are a few things i am not grasping the first is coinsurance can any one help me out plz ?

In reply to Deleted user

Re: i need help with coinsurance plzzzz

by Jan Bradburn- -


Coinsurance is a tough concept. You have to work coinsurance questions by following these steps– in this order:

  1. Multiply the value of the property X the coinsurance percent
    (usually 80%)
  2. Divide the amount of insurance currently on the property by the
    answer from #1
  3. Multiply the answer from #2 by the amount of the loss

You must do the math in this order to get the correct answer.  Give it a try and let me know.
