HO3 explanation needed

HO3 explanation needed

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 2

Could someone explain the answer to the question below in Unit 4?

If Ella took her time to move and the loss occurred on August 15th, how much coverage would she have?

I can't find the reference in the text that explains why the answer is $15,000 minus another 10%.

Is there a time limit on how long an insured has to move into a new home?  Apparently, I'm missing the rationale for the above answer.

Thanks!  Nancy

In reply to Deleted user

Re: HO3 explanation needed

by Deleted user -

Hello Nancy, I was told that any time frames are dependant on the company that the HO insurance is through. I also could not find a set time frame, but inferred through the text of the question "took her time" that she was over the allowable amount of time.