

by Desmond Taylor -
Number of replies: 2

Greetings Everyone, 

First off, I hope everyone is having an awesome week! 


I know that once you complete the course It states that you will receive your certificate within 30 days. But I wanted to know has anyone received it much sooner than the 30 days? and can the completing of the course be received by the state the very same week ? 


I appreciate the responses! 


And for those of you who are still in the race of finishing, You GOT THIS !! 


Best Wishes, 

In reply to Desmond Taylor

Re: Certification

by Jessica Rivero -

Hello, I finished my course over 30 days ago and have not received my certification.

In reply to Jessica Rivero

Re: Certification

by Sandra King -


I show that you received an automated version of your certificate of completion on Dec 18th. 

For most of our courses and students, this version becomes available as soon as your course is complete (affidavit submitted), and your last 4 of your social security or your State License # are entered in your profile.

If you have not received a copy of your certificate of completion, please call our Registrar at 561-283-0333