Unit 8-CPP

Unit 8-CPP

by Sherrall Bass -
Number of replies: 2

In my book it states that there are "8" areas of eligibility, but online there are only "7."  Which one is correct?

In reply to Sherrall Bass

Re: Unit 8-CPP

by Jan Bradburn- -


I believe you're a student in the 2-20 course and you are referencing the materials in unit six?  (U6-L1-P8)

The latest version of the state manual separates the Condominium Association coverage form from Condominium Unit Owners coverage form.  So this moves the number of forms from seven to eight.  This move does not change alter information in either the state manual or the online course. Both association and unit forms are covered in both places. 

The state exam will not ask a question regarding the number of coverage forms.  The state exam is more interested in you knowing what the Commercial Property Contract covers. 

If you have specific questions about this information, please feel free to email me at bradburn@oltraining.

