Passed State Exam

Passed State Exam

by Marianna Loose -
Number of replies: 7

I passed state exam 1st time!  I can't stress the importance of reading the book and flash cards!

In reply to Marianna Loose

Re: Passed State Exam

by Connie McGuire -

Congratulations!  I am just starting Unit 17 and am wondering if you felt the statutes/regulations were a more difficult part of the State exam?  Also, did you buy flash cards or make up your own?  I've made mine and am hoping I've captured what I need to memorize! 

I haven't tested for many years so I want to make sure I am prepared!   Thanks!

In reply to Connie McGuire

Re: Passed State Exam

by Marianna Loose -

I had flash cards from Andy Beverly.  As to the Florida Statutes: Everything in Chapter 17 is on the State test.  I didn't find that the statutes were difficult at all Because the OLT class/learning reiterates them throughout the book and lessons.

 I have test anxiety and do not test well and being older doesn't help. :)  But the test was very easy as to the layout and the test center its self. 

I'd say if you know the definitions that are in the book chapters and have a good concept of how all the chapters correlate together you will do fine!   IF you can schedule the test shortly after passing the OLT class.   This way you have less time to agonize over the test itself.

TIP:  Schedule the test and the fingerprinting for the same day and apply for your  License application through the state of Florida website before you test.

Good Luck  I'm sure you will do great! 

In reply to Marianna Loose

Re: Passed State Exam

by Jan Bradburn- -

Just to clarify - you can schedule fingerprinting and complete the online licensing application before you complete the course.  I wouldn't recommend doing this weeks/months ahead of time, but definitely a week before you complete the course.  Fingerprinting is usually offered at your local law enforcement or school board offices.  

You do not have to wait for your Certificate to schedule and complete the state licensing exam.  You can pass the course final exam and schedule your state exam for later that day if you chose. 


In reply to Connie McGuire

Re: Passed State Exam

by Jan Bradburn- -

Hi Connie, 

The FL Statutes are a separate part of the state exam. This is tested in Section II and it is comprised of 25 questions.  FL Statutes are not all covered in unit 17; they are actually covered throughout the course.  For example, cancellation and nonrenewal policies, as well as, FL No-Fault and the Financial Responsibility Law are statutes.

When you study unit 17, focus on the topics that are emphasized in the online course materials.  This unit is fairly easy because it is definitions, dates, etc. vs. the concepts that are taught in other units.  

The FL Statutes "look" scary but many students feel they're actually the easiest part of the exam. 


In reply to Marianna Loose

Re: Passed State Exam

by Wenchell Aurelien -

Congrats!!!!! I have the 26th edition General Lines Agent study manual, is that the book you used to study? How relevant were the online quizzes to the test?

In reply to Wenchell Aurelien

Re: Passed State Exam

by Marianna Loose -

As I stated when I first posted:  Read the whole book, I used the 26th edition.  study study and study!

You will do fine!!!  Good Luck!