Co Insurance help: Manual hasn't came in yet. help

Re: Co Insurance help: Manual hasn't came in yet. help

by Jan Bradburn- -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Kathy, 

There is a specific order of the operations for a coinsurance question.  You have to work coinsurance problems in this order:

1.            Value of property X coinsurance percentage

2.            Limit of insurance/answer from step #1

3.            Loss X answer from step #2

 Basically, coinsurance requires a property owner to insure their property to full value.  If property is insured to less than full value, insurance will not pay the full loss. For example, if property is insured to 50% of its' value, insurance will pay 50% of the loss. 

 Please give this a try and let me know if that helps.  Also, feel free to send me a specific question at and I will walk you through the operations. 
