OLT - 2-20 Course - Who made it???

OLT - 2-20 Course - Who made it???

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 2

I actually like the OLT course; especially the questions that regurgitate the course material, which admittedly is almost a facsmile of the study manual...if you read the material, read the questions, especially the long ones, compare one to each other, select your answer and then, if correct, read the answer again contained in the congratulations you're correct message...guess what?

You've now read the material THREE times and you are bound to retain some if not all of it...

I LOVE the flexibility of being able to take the quizzes multiple times, review them, refer back to the jump pages to navigate the material you need to review and you have access to the material for like six months..which is awesome...

And, you have the forums to bounce ideas off other students and to ask the instructor any question.

Not perfect, admittedly, when compared to classroom tuition, but for an online course, i have few complaints....

I do, also have the study manual and do use that in addition to the online course...that has helped clear up some issues...like extending the PAP to non-owned cars like when you rent cars, and to other cars that a sole proprietor owns...the manual helped there...

In reply to Deleted user

Re: OLT - 2-20 Course - Who made it???

by Joshua Lee Dobbs -

That's my entire point, though.  What in the world is this course doing to help SUPPLEMENT and REINFORCE the florida manual?  Because according to your plan to study, all we need to do is read every word three times?  I'm sorry, but that's not how most people learn.  It's good for short term memorization, at best.  And even then, only a small amount of facts and figures will be retained.  I understand that if the test itself was all about memorization/definitions, then I'd be more apt to not be frustrated, but that's not the case.  It's like me thinking I can learn Algebra just by reading an algebra problem three times.  I can't, because I don't have comprehension of the theory or concepts.  Case in point...

One of the most recent posts is from a gentleman who had zero grasp of the concepts he had memorized, so all of the situational questions, where we must figure out the answer based on the laws/limits/exclusions, etc.

My point is the state of Florida came out with a manual as the basis of information, knowing that the material within must be TAUGHT to be learned and comprehended.  Not simply cut and copied onto a web page so that we can click "Next" for "200" hours of learning.

How hard would it have been to take the time to go through each unit and give a broad story, with real world implications, and then create and manufacture various situations whereas the current topics would apply, so that we can achieve understanding?

In reply to Joshua Lee Dobbs

Re: OLT - 2-20 Course - Who made it???

by Deleted user -

i am 100% with you....I get it...I also am more used and prefer tutorial tools that explain and teach via examples, interpretation, analogies, and so on.  unfortunately this online tutorial does not fit that bill so I've had to adapt.  I do know many folks who have done the insurance exams and they at least think that the practice quizzes and exam questions are valuable, if that helps.

All the best!!!!