Message from newly licensed student

Message from newly licensed student

by Jan Bradburn- -
Number of replies: 1

Dear Students, 

Ali Trading recently passed the state 2-20 licensing exam.  He sent me the following email and asked that I share with you.

Heres what I feel about State Exam. 

There were 175 questions out of which 160 were scored.

70% were passing score, I got 131 which make it 82%. 

I was prepared to get hardly 70% but then I found exam was not very tough on testing the Book knowledge.

Most of the questions had one choice prominently odd than rest of 3.

You get enough time to attend 175 questions in 180 minutes.

If you deliberate 1 minute on each question, I am positive you can feel the odd one.

I didn't know the answer of at least 30 questions but when I attempted them I knew I had the right answers. 

I was told chapter 3 PAP and chapter 4 Homeowners would be dominating the exam but I think it was evenly spread but still 3 and 4 were mot contributing including Health.

Florida statute is also important but most questions are easy to detect the odd one, Laws are made on common sense.

Just keep in mind Insurance is transferring risk, not sharing risk.

Too bad I can not respond to you, I am off the forum. Wish you all good luck. 

Thank you 
