I passed the state exam!!!!

I passed the state exam!!!!

by Rachel Elwood -
Number of replies: 3

I passed the state exam Friday with an 85%!!! 

I have to say the exam is much easier than expected! It took me about four weeks from start to finish studying every single day to be prepared. The exam questions itself are much simpler than the questions on the online course (which is probably good they do it that way so you are ready). There were a lot of definition questions and application questions, but nothing too hard. Very very minimal math (I think 2-3 questions total).


I used Kaplan Q bank and drilled through every question (600 questions in total) a few times each. I would say about 1/3 of the exam (my exam at least, everyone's is different) were VERY VERY VERY similar to these questions, if not the same. Best study source ever. 



Good luck everyone!!


In reply to Rachel Elwood

Re: I passed the state exam!!!!

by Robin Davis -

Hi Rachel,

Congratulations on passing the state exam!! I tried to access the Kaplan website you suggested but it requires a username and password. How did you get signed in? Or is this who your OLT course was through? 


Robin Davis

In reply to Robin Davis

Re: I passed the state exam!!!!

by Rachel Elwood -

That's because I accidentally put the wrong link, oops!! This is the correct one! I know $79.99 sounds like a lot but I can promise it is worth every penny!!!! 
