I passed! 1st attempt! The advise I would give is to know the overall concepts and know them well. Questions aren't anything like the quizzes or the exam @ the end of the manual. So, know concepts and terms inside and out! And you have to know the statutes, rules, and regulations there is a whole section just on those. Good Luck everyone!
Hi Denise,
Did you use any other study material other than the manual?
Hi Shirley,
I didn't use anything other than the manual. I took notes on each chapter for the online class and then I did note cards on each chapter in the manual. After I went back and did sticky notes in the manual for important terms and info. As you can see I need to write things down :) I will say the statutes were the hardest part for me. I know each test is different but mine covered auto, home, dwellings, some commercial, and then lots of statues, rules and regulations. You can go back and take the quizzes as many times as you want after completing the course which I did as well.
Good luck to you!
Thanks Denise,
I really appreciate the feedback. Writing things down, does help us to commit to memory.
Thank you for sharing, Denise.
Congratulations Denise! Your studying certainly paid off.
Congrats Denise.
Your input is appreciated.
Reviewing the quizzes I will do, and writing down is also very helpful for me.