Applicant vs Insured vs Beneficiary

Applicant vs Insured vs Beneficiary

by Alan Rodriguez -
Number of replies: 1

Hello, I am somewhat confused about who is actually the insured; particularly when we are talking about third party, or even in the simplest case: If I buy life insurance for myself to be paid out to my spouse and/or children if I die before them... I am obviously the applicant, but am I insured or is my wife insured in case of my death?

In reply to Alan Rodriguez

Re: Applicant vs Insured vs Beneficiary

by Jerry Bateman - -

Thank you for your question. The applicant is typically the person or entity that will own the policy. In most life insurance transactions the applicant and the insured are the same person. The beneficiary is the person that will sustain an economic loss in the event of the death of the insured. In other words, you purchase the life insurance, because you know that your family will need money, (your income will stop), in the event of your death. The insurance company pays money to the beneficiary, your wife. Any time that someone or some thing will experience an economic loss or will need money in the event of someone's death, then there is a reason to purchase life insurance.