difficulty understanding what to study

difficulty understanding what to study

by Russell William Rands -
Number of replies: 3

I have completed all of the unit quizzes and am working through the practice exam at the end of the book. I feel that there is a slight disconnect between the way the material was presented in the quizzes (and lessons) and the practice test questions in the back of the book. Is anyone else seeing this or am I the only one? I'm getting slightly frustrated with how the questions are worded versus the way the questions in the quizzes are asked. It seems as if the information that I have studied thus far pales in comparison to how in depth and broad the sample exam questions are. 


If you have had success in studying, what are your methods of doing so? I have made flash cards from the quizzes, and from the information that I thought was pertinent in the text, but have come to find out that the material I wrote out is too basic for the questions at the back of the book. What ways will help me gather more information and understanding to prepare me for the class final and next step of taking the state test? 


Any help is appreciated. 


Thank you,


In reply to Russell William Rands

Re: difficulty understanding what to study

by Jan Bradburn- -


I agree that the wording of the questions is different from some of the course questions.  Even though the questions are asked using different wording, they are still based on the same materials and information.  If you understand insurance concepts, you should be able to answer and/or understand the answers the questions in the back of the state manual.  Since the answers are provided, you can "back into" the question. It is a good way to study for the state exam.

These questions are a reflection of the types of questions that used to be on the state licensing exam.  Once Pearson Vue became the vendor for the pre-licensing exam, they changed the types of questions on the exam.  I think you may find that state exam questions are slightly different from either the course or the state manual.  This is because Pearson Vue doesn't allow pre-licensing courses to view the exam questions so everyone does the best they can to write test questions that reflect the State Exam Content document that is published by Pearson Vue. 

The 2-20 course is a 200-hour course and it requires some pretty "deep and wide" studying in order to pass.  The best advise I can provide is to continue to study the state manual along with the course.  It sounds like you're on the right track with the flash cards.  Make sure you also have high scores on the unit exams and you should be well prepared for the final exam and state test.


In reply to Russell William Rands

Re: difficulty understanding what to study

by Brian Wood -


   I completed the 2-20 course back in February and took the state exam shortly thereafter.  I too felt the OLT course material quizzes differed slightly from Study Manual practice tests.   All I can tell you is that the State Exam will throw you another curve because it differs slightly from both the Study Manual and OLT quizzes.   Actually the fact they were different will benefit you, believe it or not.  The State Exam (150) questions throw some named individual scenarios at you that differ from the "definitions" type practice quiz questions.   Example, Bob has PIP of $10,000 and Jasmine drives Bob's car, is she covered".   What you really need to focus your attention on is the overall concepts of P&C coverage's.  Don't get into the weeds (figure of speech) on each concept like studying each Florida Statute by number and don't focus on specific dollar amounts (unless it's the co-insurance formula on homeowners, etc.).   Know your homeowners HO-1, HO-3, DP1, etc. 

   Flash cards will help too.   One thing I did was run to the UPS store and make copies of the practice exam at the back of the Study Manual and took the practice exam several times, each time on a fresh practice exam copy.   As I took the exam repeatedly my score got better and better.  You can also do this for the individual chapter quizzes if you find an area you're weak in.   Just remember to breath, pace yourself, narrow down the quiz questions to the most (2) that you think are correct then go with your first choice (it's usually correct). 

    If you think the 2-20 P&C stuff is hard, wait till you get to the 2-15, Health, Life and Variable Annuity course (if you choose to take it).   That course was more difficult in my opinion than the 2-20 course and I used every bit and more of the 3 month allotted time to complete the course, it was that difficult for me. 

Good Luck!


In reply to Brian Wood

Re: difficulty understanding what to study

by Kathy Adams -

I'm glad you said the 2-15 was harder... I've got it behind me now for 6 months and now attempting this class.  Shew!!!!  I flew through the 2-15.  I feel confident now that I can pass this one. 


Thank you
