Dear Students,
I accidentally deleted some emails this week. I apologize for the inconvenience, but if you sent me an email this week and you have not received a response, please re-send so I can respond as soon as possible.
Dear Jan,
I will soon take the final exam with the state 220 and I'm really nervous and upset about it, so I have studied a lot and I always find something new that I did not realize when and I read the book, I have the flash cards, but I think it is not enough for all this contents, do you have any advise before take my exam?, and where can I find the wind mitigation topic that other student was mention it?
thanks in advance,
Yenia Lazo
I took the FL. State 2-20 exam back in February 2016 and like you I used flash card and studied, studied, and even studied in the parking lot of the testing facility just prior to my exam. What I found regarding the test is that it wasn't exactly verbatim what the course taught. In other words it was like going into Walmart expecting milk to be in the back and realized they moved it to the front. The milk was there just in a different location. The test gave scenario's very similar to what the course taught just used a different wording method. The answer is there, you just have to read and re-read the question using each answer and choose the best one (usually your first guess). If you know the "general" subject matter you'll do fine. Don't bother studying each FL. Statue by number ie. 626.11 as it doesn't get that specific, but do know the difference between Twisting, Sliding, Churning, Rebating, Misrepresentation, Unfair Competition practices, etc. If you take the practice exams in the Study Manual and learn the flash cards forwards and back you'll do fine. My biggest problem with the exam was pacing myself as the time went by fast. I started out slow reading every question 2-3 times and found when I got to the end of the time limit with approx. 20 questions left I was forced to rush through those last questions. Get good rest, breath, and you'll do fine. I actually thought I failed the test, only to find out I got an 82% when it was all over.
Good Luck!
Thanks Brian,
I really appreciated your words, and I make my best so I'm in the final line to get it, and in this moment every word, or advise it is really helpful.
thank you very much.
Yenia Lazo
Congratulations on passing the state exam Brian!
If you have studied hard, you will do fine on the state exam. The best advice I can give is not to be nervous. Take your time and read the questions carefully.
Wind Mitigation is on pages 201- 204 in the state study manual.
Best of luck!