State Exam

State Exam

by Sergio Casines Suarez -
Number of replies: 12

I passed. the state test today. I started studying January 15th but I was able to dedicate two hours every day except weekends to study. The test is not as easy as the one in the OLT but is not as difficult  as the one at the end of the Manual. It has 160 questions, it took me 2hours and 30 minutes but I took it in English and this is not my native language (I have been here only 7 months), so guess an English speaker will be able to do it quicker.

I strongly recommend to review the content of the test before doing it. You can find it online at Thank God I did it early this morning and saw certain subjects that I did not remember having seen neither in the OLT course or in the Manual, like Law of Large Number, Fair Credit Reporting Act and Privacy Protection (Gramm Leach Bliley) (all of them were questions in my test).

I also recommend not to skip (like I wrongly did) the Vocabulary part at the end of the OLT (I guess that near 15 questions out of the 160 question were just concepts).I also had a question about wind mitigation that it was not in the OLT when I study that lesson although Jan told me to study it; so I went to the Manual and did it. It's not a diifcult topic anyway.

Good luck to all of you.

In reply to Sergio Casines Suarez

Re: State Exam

by Joseph Wayne Hutton -

Thanks for the heads up. I will definently keep it in mind.

In reply to Joseph Wayne Hutton

Re: State Exam

by Deleted user -

Do you know if the Pre license Final exam question are from the coarse Quiz ?

In reply to Deleted user

Re: State Exam

by Sandra King -


The Final exam questions are similar to the quiz questions, however they are not allowed to be identical (state rules).

Sandra King

Tech Support
OnLine Training, Inc.
561-283-0333 OLT office

In reply to Sergio Casines Suarez

Re: State Exam

by Shane Duley -

I just passed as well on my first try.  The test, in my opinion, isn't as difficult as I anticipated.

The key to passing is really not getting into the weeds and memorizing every little % of coverage or limit.  The key is to understand concepts!  Know every definition in that book.  Also, pay attention to the last chapter.  Know what sliding and churning means.  The law of large numbers, fair credit act and privacy protection is a good call out.

What's nice about the test is you can usually eliminate 2 answers immediately that have nothing to do with the 'concept' they're talking about.  So know your chapters and concepts within each.

Good luck everybody.  Don't be nervous going into it, if you have read the book and understand the basics along with all the definitions you'll do great.

In reply to Shane Duley

Re: State Exam

by Brian Wood -
Shane, Congrats on the State Exam!! I passed my 2-20 exam at the beginning of February. I agree with your comments and observations regarding the state exam. Just wondering.. what are your plans now? Are you going to work for an agency or start your own? Did you take the state exam for your 2-20 or 4-40? I'm trying to start over with a career in the insurance industry and I'm not having any luck. I'm just trying to get a consensus of what other newly licensed agents plan on doing next. Thank you, Brian
In reply to Brian Wood

Re: State Exam

by Shane Duley -

I am actually employed by Nationwide Insurance and manage the Central Florida territory.  Essentially, I work with over 40 agencies that are appointed with Nationwide and I manage the portfolio, find new agency partners to appoint with a contract etc.

I'll be doing the 2-15 Life, Health and Variable Annuities next.  I think it's important in my role to be licensed and bring more value to my partners.

If I was in your shoes I'd definitely get my 2-15 license.  The Baby Boomer Generation has a ton of wealth transfer, Long Term Care needs etc. and life/health would be a revenue stream for you down the road.

Are you trying to catch on with an agency and it's not happened yet?  Keep plugging away and going into agencies they're always looking for new producers.  My feedback would be to definitely try to find a niche in commercial insurance since personal lines is becoming very commoditized.

Good Luck!

In reply to Shane Duley

Re: State Exam

by Brian Wood -
Shane, Thank you for the information. I'm actually enrolled and taking the 2-15 online courses right now. I share a similar view, bring as much value to an prospective employer as possible. Once I receive my 2-15 license my plan is to continue on and secure a series 6 license also. Good luck to you on the 2-15 state exam as well. Regards, Brian
In reply to Brian Wood

Re: State Exam

by Deleted user -
Hi everyone, As soon as I pass my state exam, I am planning to get a job working for an agency. I actually called one agent at Allstate from Craigslist ad, who was very eager to hire someone and just wanted someone with a 220 license, or 440. I am going to be a 220 agent. The agent/owner told me his slowest 440 was making $3500 a mo. Not sure if he was exaggerating or not, but as an agent I am certain you can make a lot more. My plan is to have my own agency, since my husband works for a major dealership and will be referring all his clients to me. That's the tentative plan. I believe working for myself would be the best bet, but I will need some experience. Brian, have you so far had any interviews at all?
In reply to Deleted user

Re: State Exam

by Brian Wood -
Joana, Thanks for the information, I've been in and out of agencies and browsing the job boards looking for career opportunities. Nothing that competes with my current salary has popped up yet, so my search continues. Good luck to you and your continued success. Regards, Brian
In reply to Sergio Casines Suarez

Re: State Exam

by Marianela Aybar -
Congrats! That's more or less the same information I provided when I passed my test at the end of January. Very important to know the definitions and concepts. Good luck!
In reply to Marianela Aybar

Re: State Exam

by Deleted user -

Congrats to all of you already passed the test. Thank you for sharing important info regarding the test.