I passed. the state test today. I started studying January 15th but I was able to dedicate two hours every day except weekends to study. The test is not as easy as the one in the OLT but is not as difficult as the one at the end of the Manual. It has 160 questions, it took me 2hours and 30 minutes but I took it in English and this is not my native language (I have been here only 7 months), so guess an English speaker will be able to do it quicker.
I strongly recommend to review the content of the test before doing it. You can find it online at http://www.pearsonvue.com/fl/insurance/. Thank God I did it early this morning and saw certain subjects that I did not remember having seen neither in the OLT course or in the Manual, like Law of Large Number, Fair Credit Reporting Act and Privacy Protection (Gramm Leach Bliley) (all of them were questions in my test).
I also recommend not to skip (like I wrongly did) the Vocabulary part at the end of the OLT (I guess that near 15 questions out of the 160 question were just concepts).I also had a question about wind mitigation that it was not in the OLT when I study that lesson although Jan told me to study it; so I went to the Manual and did it. It's not a diifcult topic anyway.
Good luck to all of you.