Studying Florida Statutes

Studying Florida Statutes

by Marianela Aybar -
Number of replies: 3
When studying and knowing the statues do we specifically need to know the number of the statute, or will the statute be listed along with it's title so we know what it's about? In other words, if statute 20.121 is Department of Financial Services, do we need to know the statute number or when taking the exams will the title of Department of Financial Services be provided? I'm trying to see what would be the best way to study these.
In reply to Marianela Aybar

Re: Studying Florida Statutes

by Jan Bradburn- -

Hi Marianela,

You do not need to know the name or number of the statute.  The questions will ask the content of the statutes only.  For example you may be asked the number of days the state allows a licensee to report a change of address.  The answer is 30 days.  You do not need to know where that information is located in the statutes.

I hope this helps.  Please let me know if you have other questions.


In reply to Jan Bradburn-

Re: Studying Florida Statutes

by Marianela Aybar -
Thanks Jan. In the manual and course some statutes are emphasized, however, there are references to more statues. So to clarify, we should look or read all the statues that relate to insurance, not just the ones pointed to in the manual right? Thanks
In reply to Marianela Aybar

Re: Studying Florida Statutes

by Jan Bradburn- -


The statutes that are emphasized in the course are the most often tested statutes.  You should familarlize yourself with the statutes that relate most closely to agent rules and regulations.
