40 hour course is expiring BUT YOU HAVE TIME

40 hour course is expiring BUT YOU HAVE TIME

by Brad Weishaupt -
Number of replies: 2

Good News! We just received word from the Department of Financial Services that as long as you are enrolled in this course before October 1, you will be able to complete the course and receive credit for it if you finish after October 1. So your time has been extended (up to your course expiration date).

The credit hours required for this course has changed to 60 as of July 1, 2015 (your college is in the process of applying for this new version of the course). 

During this time of transition, the Florida Department of Financial Services will recognize your 40-hour course completion for licensure as long as you were enrolled in the course by 11:59pm on Wednesday, September 30, 2015.

Brad Weishaupt
General Manager
OnLine Training

In reply to Brad Weishaupt

Re: 40 hour course is expiring BUT YOU HAVE TIME

by Rollin Ryan -

Am I regestered for this class?


I signed up for one and forgot which one because I got busy.




In reply to Rollin Ryan

Re: 40 hour course is expiring BUT YOU HAVE TIME

by Sandra King -

Hi Rollin,

All of your courses enrollments have either expired or been completed.  I think you did sign up for the 40 hour Life Health and Variable Annuity course at one point but I don't have your records in front of me.

I am going to forward your post to our Registrar and she will contact you privately to let you know where you are and what needs to be done now.


Sandra King.