State Exam Prep

State Exam Prep

by Sara Rodriguez -
Number of replies: 5

Will I still have access to the online course content after taking the course final exam so that I may continue study for the State Exam?

In reply to Sara Rodriguez

Re: State Exam Prep

by Sandra King -


Access to the course expires when your enrollment expires, not when you take the final exam.  So if you take the final exam 1 month before your enrollment expires, you still have that month to study before taking the state exam.


Sandra King.

In reply to Sandra King

Re: State Exam Prep

by Deleted user -

I was under the impression that taking this course exempted the student from taking the state exam if he passed this course with 70% grade.. also can someone advise is this course final exam 50 multiple choice or was that reference to state exam thank you for answer

In reply to Deleted user

Re: State Exam Prep

by Deleted user -

following up on my own question ?? Jan has answered it in a different thread and those particpating bhere and passing course are exempt from state excam--- I think I am correct in this as it came from Jan but please confirm for yourself.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: State Exam Prep

by Jan Bradburn- -


The 4-40 (Customer Service Rep) course is a designation course and it is exempt from the state exam.  The course final exam takes the place of the state exam.  The course exam has 50 multiple-choice questions.  It takes about an hour to complete, but there is no time limit.


In reply to Jan Bradburn-

Fingerprinting and License fees

by Deleted user -



I am a bit confused, Is the fingerprints and the license the same fee?  or do I show tmy cerificate when I go to registation office. Plus I have already created an account with MYProfile and it states to license/ cerfiticate pending. :/


Please advise thanks,


Nneka B.