Unit 4 question

Unit 4 question

by Kristy Richardson -
Number of replies: 1

I have been stuck on limits of coverage where they ask a question.  I'm not sure what the question is.  The topic is about contents coverage limits.  The question is "The following are a review of the contents on this page.  Match them and then click to check your response."

The first question is "Handgun collection valued at $2,350", yes or no

So what is the question??

Yes, there is a limitation for a handgun collection?

Or Yes, this is covered because there is no limitation except for theft??

Or No, there is no limitation?

So, what is the question they are asking?  I have answered these questions several different ways for the last 30 minutes and I keep getting the response that something is wrong.  My guess is that I'm answering the question wrong.


Thanks for any help,


In reply to Kristy Richardson

Re: Unit 4 question

by Jan Bradburn- -

Hi Kristy.

The question asks you to "check the losses that would be fully covered by the homeowner policy".

So a handgun collection valued at $2350 would be fully covered because there is $2500 coverage available under a HO policy.  However $250 worth of coins would not be covered because there is only $200 coverage under the HO policy.

I sent the answers in a separate email.  Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions.
