Unit 3 (4-40) quiz

Unit 3 (4-40) quiz

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 1

I took the quiz and i KNOW this answer i marked was right because the limit 10/20/10 WILL NOT pay more than $10,000...but its saying the correct answer is $10,800 ?? Is there any way to get this corrected so i receive credit or an explanation as to why i was wrong??? :)


Review of attempt 1

Started on Wednesday, 10 June 2015, 04:25 PM
Completed on Wednesday, 10 June 2015, 04:42 PM
Time taken 16 mins 49 secs
Marks 24.00/25.00
Grade 96.00 out of a maximum of 100.00 (96%)
Congratulations, you passed!


Marks: 1.00

Dan has a Personal Auto Policy with Liability of 10/20/10 and basic PIP with a $1,000 deductible. He is running one day when a car strikes him. A week later he dies. Medical bills are $7,500 and lost wages are $1,000. How much, if any, will PIP pay in this claim?

Choose one answer.
A. $5,000 Incorrect
B. $5,800 Incorrect
C. $10,000 Incorrect
D. $10,800 Correct
Marks for this submission: 0.00/1.00.
In reply to Deleted user

Re: Unit 3 (4-40) quiz

by Jan Bradburn- -

Hi Jocelyne,

I know we've exchanged numerous emails on this topic.  I was just checking to make sure you understand and see if you had any more questions.
