Difference between Quiz section 2 and Final Exam - please explain

Re: Difference between Quiz section 2 and Final Exam - please explain

by Jan Bradburn- -
Number of replies: 0


I think you've uncovered an error in the questions.  One question asks who HAS an insurable interest in the property and the other question asks who DOES NOT HAVE an insurable interest.

The correct question is who HAS an interest.  The only person with an INSURABLE interest in this list is the mortgage company.  Those who provide cash gifts or "expect" to inherit the property as well as a friend of the owner would not be able to purchase insurance because they can't prove an economic interest.  The definition of insurable interest is: one would suffer economic loss from an adverse happening to the property.  It must exist in order for insurance to respond and it is closely tied to the principle of indemnity.

The final exam question is a worded incorrectly.  I'm sure it wasn't noticed as a typo because nothing is spelled wrong.  I will have it corrected today.  I can also correct the score on your final exam.
