Will there be an update to the link for State Exam Content? The date last modified is listed as 10/11/12.
Please reference where this link is located.
Thanks, Jan
For reference, it's a post made on April 4, 2014.
The post from 4-4-14 is referencing last year's change to the state exam. The exam now has two sections: one section on general content and one section on FL law. The state exam outline can be found on pages 2-10 in the state study manual. I'm not clear on the where to find the reference that was last modified on 10-11-12.
Sorry Jan-
That was a link to the updates made available for the state exam on the message board, posted almost a year ago. I guess I was looking for an update, newer info, info/feedback derived from students, etc. to update that post for current students. I figured that it was something that was updated at least every several months, via a new post to make it easy for students to find…
Here is the link to the state exam info that hasn’t been updated since 10/11/12: http://www.oltraining.com/moodle2/mod/page/view.php?id=3980
To find it, look under ‘My Courses,’ (INS007FL200) then ‘General,’ then ‘State Exam Content.’ At the bottom of the page it says it was last modified on 10/11/12.
Is this something students should not utilize, though it’s listed as a reference under our course?
Also, the same “updating” is found under the syllabus, also found under the general section of the course:
© Copyright 2009-2015 OnLine Training, Inc. All rights reserved.
Last Updated: October 5, 2011 by Melody Schiesl
Last modified: Saturday, 10 November 2012, 02:59 AM
Thanks for clarifying Sarah. Now I understand your concern. I'm not sure how this will addressed, but it will addressed this week. Thank you for pointing this out.
The exam content seldom changes and when it does the changes are minor. These changes happen once each year and this site should be removed and the pages referenced in the state manual or it should be updated once each year - if needed. For example, there would be no changes this year from last year. There obviously are changes from three years ago!
Any information provided by students can be found in the Break Rooms and I've seen some good feedback from students regarding state testing.
Thanks Jan-
I know I am suffering from nerves, but I imagine most students/ pre-test takers are as well. So it is beneficial for us to have as much (updated) info as possible. Thank you for looking into the situation. :)