Wish me luck

Wish me luck

by Caroline Beltran -
Number of replies: 5
Finishing up the course and taking the online test, been practicing the Unit quizes, (especially earlier ones 4-7) so, good luck and I hope we all pass. :)
In reply to Caroline Beltran

Re: Wish me luck

by Ashley Corlies -
Is the test at home online or do you have to go somewhere to take it?
In reply to Ashley Corlies

Re: Wish me luck

by Caroline Beltran -
Thanks for your reply, Ashley. Yes, I was able to take it at home and online. I am very happy to state that I WAS able to pass, on the first try (yea!) I would definitely recommend that you take the time to review the Units, especially any that you may feel "questionable" about, because the review helped me find some weaker points in my memory. Any quizzes that I felt I should have done better, either reviewed or re-took. Otherwise, stay Positive- you will do great! :) Oh one thing- When you pass, make sure you have the group name for the completion. It helps. Good luck!
In reply to Caroline Beltran

Re: Wish me luck

by brianna riley -

Can you take the state exam at home or you have to register and show up somewhere for it?