clarification on how everything is averaged.

clarification on how everything is averaged.

by Maria Cuervo -
Number of replies: 2

Dear Sandra:

I am taking the insurance pre-licensing course (Life, Health, and am ready to submit my grades. However, Quiz 1( which was presented later in the course) does not display a grade in the bottom section with the Final Exam Grades ( which weigh heavily on the overall grade for the course . I does display the grade in the Quiz section. Will that grade be brought down and weighed in for the 75%  of the grade? As it stands now, regardless of my high scores the overall grade is affected greatly.

I have not taken the Course Final Exam yet, but will today. However, I would like clarification so when I submit my grades everything is averaged.

Thanks in advance,

Maria Cuervo

In reply to Maria Cuervo

Re: News...

by Sandra King -

Hi Maria, I see your Quiz One grade in the Chapter Exam grades.

According to what I am seeing, your Final Exam grade is the average of these tests.
Life Section Final Exam    
Annuities Final Exam     
Health Final Exam     
Course Final Exam

Which makes the Course Final worth 25% of the Final Exam Grade.

I don't want to post your grades here in an open forum, but from the looks of things you have nothing to worry about, and will make a good grade on the course as long as you pass the Course Final Exam.

In reply to Sandra King

Re: News...

by Maria Cuervo -


Dear Sandra:

Thank you for your prompt reply. Yes, I was very diligent of the grades and most importantly, the overall performance grade, and it seemed substantially low regarless of an exam still incomplete. I thought I was missing something and could not go back and retrieve. I did receive an email from Melony (OLT Registration) reassuring me the same that it would all be averaged in.

Thank you for your assistance.

