Need help with Coverage B Unattached Structures

Need help with Coverage B Unattached Structures

by Veronica Susan Comes -
Number of replies: 0

I don't seem to understand what the correct answers should be and I'm not sure which ones I'm getting wrong. I'm really frustrated. Can anyone give me some assistance?

The Homeowner Policy

Coverage B: Unattached Structures

Coverage B under Section I Property Coverage covers all structures that are not attached to the dwelling. This would include fences, antennas, sheds, gazebos and swimming pools.

Coverage B is 10% of Coverage A. Therefore, if Coverage A is $100,000, then Coverage B is $10,000. It is important that a homeowner evaluate the amount of coverage available to be sure their unattached structures are adequately covered.

Coverage B is automatically included. The coverage amount is 10% of Coverage A. Coverage B is additional insurance. Additional Coverage B may be purchased by endorsement.

Coverage A Limit

Coverage B Limit

Total of Coverages A&B








The following question is a review of this page. Answer them and then click below to check your response.

Match which of the following items are covered by Coverage B

The utility shed sitting at the back fence line

Screened back porch on the insured's home

Detached garage the insured rents to a neighbor o store his classic car

Gazebo standing alone in the back yard

Detached garage insured owns and rents to a relative to run her jewelry making business

Swimming pool

Storage shed where the insured keeps tools he uses in his work