Just needed to know how the answer was 3500

Just needed to know how the answer was 3500

by Paul Germain -
Number of replies: 3

In reply to Paul Germain

Re: Just needed to know how the answer was 3500

by Jan Bradburn- -

This is a coinsurance question. The home is valued at $125,000, but it was only insured for $70,000. Since the property was not fully covered, the policy will not pay the full amount of the loss. You have to use the coinsurance formula (on page 35 of the state manual) to answer this question.

Loss ($5000) X Limit of insurance ($70,000) divided by [Value of property ($125,000) X Coinsurance % (80%)] =

$5000 X $70,000/$100,000 =

$5000 X .7 = $3500

In reply to Jan Bradburn-

Re: Just needed to know how the answer was 3500

by Scott Smith -

Where does the deductible apply in the above calculation?

In reply to Scott Smith

Re: Just needed to know how the answer was 3500

by Jan Bradburn- -

The deductible does not apply in a coinsurance question. You use the formula only.
