commercial property question

commercial property question

by Kaylee Colvard -
Number of replies: 3

one of the questions coming up in the course is as follows:


In reply to Kaylee Colvard

Re: commercial property question

by Kaylee Colvard -

looking for an instructor to reply!  please assist

unless someone can tell me how to email something directly to an instructor :)

In reply to Kaylee Colvard

Re: commercial property question

by Jan Bradburn- -

I respond to students post in the break room within 24 hours. As stated in your registration letter and in the course materials, you may also email me directly at

In reply to Kaylee Colvard

Re: commercial property question

by Jan Bradburn- -

You are correct. The statement you highlighted needs to be removed from the course. This is a recent change that now states that all signs are covered whether or not they are attached to the building.

The true statement is "a sign, whether attached or NOT, is covered up to $2500 per sign in any one occurrence".

Thank you for pointing this out. I will have it changed immediately.
